Enchanced Reporting Capability

iGuard FPS110 can generates various reports in two formats: TEXT & Excel (xls) formats.  All reports can easily be downloaded directly from the iGuard machine via the Internet Browser.  The format can be selected when exporting the reports as shown in the following screen:

Setup Requirements
Select the required Date Range & Format in Interet Browser 

Easy & Efficient Information Management

The reports can be exported directly in the popular XLS format, that enables smooth integration with office suite applications such as Microsoft EXCEL.  Various reports can then be easily generated using the built-in features of the office suite application.   In this way, companies can design their own report formats that are best suitable to their existing operations.

Select Data in MS Excel
using Excel's built-in "AutoFilter" funtion for data filtering

Improving the quality & timeliness of Payroll Preparation

Since the  attendance data can easily & accurately be obtained in a real-time manner, the payroll preperation process can be fully automated.

ExportScreen06.jpg (36085 bytes)
using Excel's built-in "PivotTable Report..." function for
automatic payroll calculation for each employee

Enables sophisticated analysis

With all the rich graphic reporting features found in most office suite applications today, people can be shifted from dealing with the routine to dealing with the exceptions, and the management can easily detect any adnormal attendance performance of each employee.

ExportScreen07.jpg (16762 bytes)
attendance history of the employees (monthly Late Analysis) presented
in chart form using MS Excel's built-in graphic functions

TEXT Format

The TEXT file is useful for exporting to existing payroll programs used in the company.

Export Raw Text File
reports in TEXT format can be used by any existing payroll program



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