Most wireless systems still operate on 300MHz technology, the same 20-year-old platform that likely operates your garage door opener. Inovonics is the only wireless based on advanced 900MHz Frequency Agile Technology, a more powerful, more reliable 900MHz radio link. Because FCC regulations permit higher transmit power for 900MHz systems, Inovonics wireless offers superior in-building range compared to other wireless security products. Our DA203 and FA205 pendants and belt clip transmitters, for example, can provide as much as 10 times the range of 300MHz pendants. That's why you'll find Inovonics wireless at work in such a wide range from portable classrooms to construction sites, parking structures, warehouse complexes, and shopping malls, including a 1.0 million-square-foot retail center in Florida. There is a second reason that 900MHz Frequency Agile products provide superior in-building range. The 900MHz wavelength is 70% shorter than the 300MHz wavelength, so the signal can squeeze through narrow openings and is ideal for applications with metal or stucco construction materials.
Range, of course, is only part of the equation. Reliable performance is just as important. Most 300MHz, or narrow-band wireless systems transmit on a single frequency, meaning that any in-band interference can block the signal. To reduce the impact of in-band interference, Inovonics wireless is based on a proven frequency hopping spread-spectrum technology that offers greater reliability in a wide range of applications. Instead of transmitting on a single frequency, Inovonics wireless sends redundant signals across a 10MHz band. Even if the transmission is blocked on one or more frequencies, the signal had numerous other frequencies to reach the receiver for a successful transmission.
A final area to consider in evaluating wireless is supervision. Supervision, or self-testing, is the term that is applied to a security system's self-diagnostics. Some wireless systems only perform a self-test once every 24 hours. Others don't even bother to verify the communications link at all. But with Inovonics wireless, transmitters can send check-in signals as often as every 10 seconds, allowing the detection of a missing or malfunctioning transmitter in less than one hour. In contrast, it can take some wireless systems up to 24 hours to detect a malfunctioning transmitter. It's also important to remember that some manufacturers claim they offer supervised wireless systems, when in fact only the battery is supervised. If the transmitter stops working for any other reason, you and your customers will never know unless you manually test the transmitter. Every Inovonics transmitter, except for the FA100 and FA113 arming devices, automatically supervises the radio link and battery. Many transmitters also provide notification of case tamper and universal transmitters can even monitor the wire between a transmitter and an external switch. If transmitter will transmit a tamper.
Our packaged wireless/hardwire system includes the KP 103 keypad, FA400 remote receiver and C2020 Vision Plus control/ communicator. Perfect for mid- to high-end residential or commercial installations, the Vision Plus wireless/ hardwire panel has 48 fully supervised points, six of which can be hardwired. Programming is user friendly with helpful prompts - there are no programming codes to memorize. With the Vision Plus, installation can be tailored to your requirements by adding up to two receivers, four hardwire keypads, and multiple repeaters. Other features include:
Full upload/ download capability with answering machine bypass
Five arming modes
Two form C relays included
Six built-in hardwire zones
Communicator uses 3x1 EXT, 4x2, 4x2 Map, or contact ID reporting
Large, backlit alphanumeric LCD with 320character display
Compatible with a wide range of arming devices and transmitters
Easily programmed via keypad or downloader
Event Memory stores up to 95 events
Opening and closing reports by user ID
Independently programmed entry and exit delays